Pastor Al's Comments
16 Jan 25
February Church Newsletter Now Online
Our February church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

6 Feb 25
New Article: The Stranger Among Us

How should we treat the stranger among us? Should we welcome and accommodate them even if they have broken our laws to be here? Read my latest article, "The Stranger Among Us" as I take a look at what the Bible says about how we should deal with the stranger among us.
Check out, The Stranger Among Us at:
#immigrants #IllegalAliens
24 Jan 25
Special Program

Pastor Al Davis (Richfield Bible Baptist Church) & Pastor John Lutz (North Coast Baptist Church) discuss the President Trump's inauguration and first few days in office.
Special combined radio program broadcast on 24 January 2025.
Click here to listen:
24 Jan 25 - Part 1
24 Jan 25 - Part 2
16 Jan 25
January Church Newsletter Now Online
Our January church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

14 Jan 25
New Article: If Evolution Is True, Then Why Do I Have to Floss?

Thinking about the benefits of flossing brings up an interesting question about evolution. If evolution is driven by changes in morphology and behavior that confer survival benefits, why don't we see any evidence of toothed animals that have some sort of innate flossing mechanism?
Check out, If Evolution Is True, Then Why Do I Have to Floss? at:
#specialcreation #Creationism #evolutionchallenge #mutualism #symbiosis
31 Dec 24

24 Dec 24

17 Dec 24
New Article: A Horsed Named Accountability

Some have called for Donald Trump to ride into Washington DC next January “on a horse named Vengeance.” But is this biblical? I would much rather he ride in on a horse named Accountability.
Check out, A Horse Named Accountability at:
#acountability #Trumpwin #ahorsenamed #vengeance
December Church Newsletter Now Online
Our December church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

1 Dec 24
Over the years I've put together a number of Christmas related articles, word searches, and audio clips. Each year there are people who express an interest in them so, now that December is here, I wanted to repost a list of them. So, here it is.
My Christmas Collection:
- The Spirit of Herod Is Alive and Well
- O Christmas Tree or Idolatry?
- Why was the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ Necessary?
- Who were the Shepherds?
- Why was Jesus made a "little lower than the angels"?
- The Birth of Christ As Recorded In the Scriptures
- T'was the Night Before Winter Fest
- How the ACLU Stole Christmas! (With Apologies to Dr. Suess!)
- The Birth of Christ as Recorded in the Scriptures
- Was Jesus Really Born in Bethlehem?
18 Nov 24

November Church Newsletter Now Online
Our November church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

New Article: How To Build a Church (In the Short Term)

Several years ago, I came up with a sure-fire plan to build up church attendance quickly. It was a great idea, but I never followed through with it for a couple of reasons. First, it was too expensive and, second, I have scruples…
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/HowToBuildaChurch.pdf
11 Nov 24

Happy Veterans Day!
Thank you and God bless you to all our Veterans for your service and sacrifice!
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.
(Psalm 144:1-2)
7 Nov 24

Election Day Praise!
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and for voting!
God in His mercy granted America a tremendous reprieve yesterday.
And thank God who has blessed us more than we deserve.

Special Radio Program: Election Results
Pastor John Lutz of the NorthCoast Baptist Church in Lakewood, Ohio, and I will be combining our radio programs on Friday, November 8, to discuss election results.
I will be with Pastor Lutz on his program, For the Cause of Christ. at 1:00 PM and he will be joining me on our program at 1:30 PM.
You can join us live, on the air or online at AM 1220 WHKW.
25 Oct 24

Republic or Democracy?
We hear a lot lately about the need to protect our Democracy. But just what form of government does the Constitution of the United States of America give us?
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” (Constitution of the United States of America, Article IV, Section. 4.)
Or, as Benjamin Franklin said when asked a similar question: “A Republic if you can keep it.”
No mention of a Democracy anywhere, only a Republic. Keep that in mind when you vote.
24 Oct 24
October Church Newsletter Now Online
Our October church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

18 Oct 24
Nehemiah's Network

https://Nehemiah's Network is a local ministry that is currently assisting Those affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Find out more about this great ministry and what you can do to help out by visiting https://nehemiahsnetwork.com/home. Nehemiah’s Network is a ministry of the Columbia Road Baptist Church in North Olmsted, Ohio.
New Article: Why Hate the Jews?

Reflecting on the one-year anniversary of the heinous terrorist attack on Israel, I gave some thought as to why the Jews are so hated. This irrational hatred comes from Satan who hates the Jews more than any other people group. Why? Perhaps it is because the Jews gave us the Word of God, the ability to read the Word of God, and the incarnate Word of God.
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/WhyHatetheJews.pdf
25 Sep 24
September Church Newsletter Now Online
Our September church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

18 Sep 24
New Article: Blessed Hope or Blessed Hoax?

Did John Darby invent the Pre-Tribulation Rapture in the 1830’s based on the ecstatic utterances of a young Scottish woman named Margaret MacDonald? If so, is the entire premillennial view of future events based on a lie? Or did Darby help resurrect the ancient view of the early church that had been suppressed by Augustine and the Roman Catholic Church?
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/Blessed_Hope_or_Blessed_Hoax.pdf
22 Aug 24

August Church Newsletter Now Online
Our August church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

July Church Newsletter Now Online
I forgot to post the link to our July church newsletter last month. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

18 Aug 24
New Article: Why Did God Create the Mosquito?

I know it says in Genesis 1:31, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” But that mosquito buzzing around your ear? Really?
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/WhyDidGodCreatetheMosquito.pdf
17 Jul 24

The Richfield Bible Baptist Church will be at the Summit County Fair again this year. We will be setting up our booth just inside the main gates on Monday, July 22. The fair starts on the 23rd and runs through the 28th. Volunteers from the church will be staffing the booth each day from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM Tuesday through Saturday and from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
I will be at our booth for most of the time, from open to close, and will be broadcasting live from the fair on Friday. The only times that I will not be there is Friday evening due to our Friday night Bible Study and on Sunday due to our church services.
In addition to our Bible tracts and displays, I will have a number of booklets that I have written on a variety of Bible topics and questions available.
Hope to see you there!
15 Jul 24
Pray for America
On Monday, July 8, Joe Biden said during a private call with his National Finance Committee, which includes hundreds of top Democratic donors and bundlers*:
“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
Five days later, someone listened to him.
Pray for America.
*Politico, 8 July 2024, https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/07/08/congress/defiant-biden-tells-donors-were-done-with-the-debate-00166834
Pastor John Lutz, of NorthCoast Baptist Church in Lakewood, Ohio, joined me on the radio this past Sunday night. We spent much of the program discussing Saturday's attempted assassination of President Donald Trump.
You can listen to the whole program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/14Jul24Hour1.mp3 and http://live.mapleknoll.us/14Jul24Hour2.mp3
11 Jul 24
New Article: God in the Declaration of Independence

The United States Declaration of Independence was a bold a daring declaration to King George and the British Empire of their independence from the Crown. It was also a powerful statement of their reliance and dependence on God in their efforts to form a new and free country.
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/GodintheDeclaration.pdf
26 Jun 24
"Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished."
(Ecclesiastes 4:13)
Well, now that the New York Times, the DOJ, the FBI, and even Snopes, all admit what we have known to be true all along, can we expect an apology from the Liar-in-Chief during the presidential debate tomorrow night? (I’m not holding my breath…)
Click here to see Biden lie about the Hunter laptop four years ago: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1649449075098669056
15 Jun 24

June Church Newsletter Now Online
Our June church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

1 Jun 24
New Article: Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

Someone asked my fifth-grade teacher, Miss Schmidt, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" She smiled and said, "If you believe what I do, you would know the answer." She was referring, of course, to the Bible and her Christian faith.
The real answer may surprise you.
Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/WhichCameFirst.pdf
#whichcamefirstthechickenortheegg #creationism #evolutionofbirds #chickens
27 May 24

20 May 24

My interview with Kevin Sorbo is now available online. Listen to our discussion about faith-based film making and his new movie, "The Firing Squad," at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/17May24.mp3
#KevinSorbo #TheFiringSquad #faithbasedfilms #ChristianMovies
11 May 24

1 May 24
New Article: Behold the Fig Tree

In Mark 11:12-21, we see Jesus curse a fruitless fig tree on His way to Jerusalem. The tree soon dries up and withers away. Why did Jesus do that? Was there a prophetic significance to it?
Check it out at:
You can find it at: https://pg.mapleknoll.us/BeholdtheFigTree.pdf
#parableofthefigtree #Israelinprophesy #figtreecursed #figtree
May Church Newsletter Now Online
Our May church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

April Church Newsletter Now Online
Our March church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below. Apparently, I forgot to post it last month.

12 Apr 24
New Article: The Death of Shame

There is no such shame today...Things once done in secret are now done openly. Not only done openly but highlighted, glorified, and encouraged in our schools, our workplaces, our public places, and, yes, even in our churches. It is no longer “a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret,” but rather a shame not to speak of them. (Ephesians 5:12)
Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/TheDeathofShame.pdf
#shame #noshame
25 Mar 24

23 Mar 24
Easter Articles I have Written:
- The Empty Tomb Echoes Down through the Centuries
- The Stone Was Rolled Away Not to Let Jesus Out but to Let Us In
- Is Easter a Mistake?
- On What Day Was Jesus Crucified?
- Did Jesus Go To Hell?
An Easter word search as well:

21 Mar 24
New Article: The Empty Tomb Echoes Down through the Centuries

The empty tomb is probably one of the greatest evidences of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how can we be sure that the tomb was really empty?
Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/TheEmptyTomb.pdf
#emptytomb #Easter #resurrection
March Church Newsletter Now Online
Our March church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

18 Mar 24
On last Sunday night's program I addressed some of the evidence showing that Patrick was never affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, nor were the churches he planted. Instead, the RCC claimed Patrick as one of their own hundreds of years later in order to bring the Irish Christians under the control of Rome.
I referred to a quote attributed to an individual named Odriscol that appears in several articles. I was finally able to track down the exact quote in its original form in the 1823 book, Views of Ireland, Moral, Political, and Religious, Vol. 2, by John O'Driscol.
John O'Driscol on Patrick and the Ancient Church of Ireland:
There is something very singular in the ecclesiastical history of Ireland. The Christian Church of that country, as founded by Patrick and his predecessors, existed for many ages free and unshackled : for about seven hundred years^ this church maintained its independence ; it had no connection with England, and differed upon points of importance from Rome…
…The first work of Henry the Second was to reduce the Church of Ireland into obedience to the Roman Pontiff. Accordingly, he procured a council of the Irish clergy, to be held at Cashel in 117^; and the combined influence and intrigues of Henry and the Pope prevailed. This council put an end to the ancient church of Ireland, and submitted to the yoke of Rome. This ominous apostacy has been followed by a series of calamities, hardly to be equalled in the world. From the days of Patrick to the council of Cashel, was a bright and glorious career for Ireland ; from the sitting of this council to our times, the lot of Ireland has been unmixed evil, and all her history a tale of woe. The church founded by Patrick in Ireland was truly national, apostolical, and independent; it existed about eight hundred years, commencing with the mission of Patrick, and terminating with the invasion of Henry II. To put an end to this church required the presence of a foreign army, and a potent invader, and the address and cunning of a practiced intriguer; the boldness and power of Henry, and the fraud and falsehood of Adrian: to build it up, required only the individual zeal and devotedness of Patrick, and the force of truth. The national church of Ireland fell before the united power of England and Rome: these accomplices afterwards quarreled, and have since been contending for the prey, which in those days of their fellowship they had succeeded to entrap.
The ancient church of Ireland, like the churches of the apostolic age, exacted no tithe; but was supported by the voluntary offerings of the people. Its bishops also, like the bishops of that period, had, for the most part, authority over one church or congregation only: they were what were called choressis, cossi, or village, or parish bishops; or, generally, what we would now call rectors. Of these, the number in Ireland exceeded three hundred. These bishops were mostly married men, as was the case in the first Christian churches; and it appears frequently to have happened, that son succeeded to father in the ministry for several generations. This would naturally be the case in a pious age, and among an uncorrupted people.
All these are evidences of the simple and apostolical character of the ancient church of Ireland. But we have stronger testimony. We should infer much excellence, and good, and many great works, even from the construction of this church solely, as we should infer good work from a machine rightly constructed for its purposes: but, in such a case as this, we would not be satisfied with mere inference ; nor are we left to it. We have before us the plan of the machine, but we have the history of its working also.
A church disclaiming human authorities, and acknowledging no superior but Almighty God - a church simple and free in its internal structure, uncorrupted by the fatal power of seizing, by authority of law, upon the property of the people - from such a church we should expect much.
Views of Ireland, Moral, Political, and Religious, Vol. 2. By John O'Driscol. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, England. 1823. pages 84-85, 99-101. https://archive.org/details/viewsofirelandmo02odri/mode/2up
27 Feb 24
If you believe your rights come from God rather than Government, you are a Christian Nationalist, not a Christian.
Politico Reporter Embarrasses Herself Attempting To Defend ‘Christian Nationalism’ Smears
Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla believes that rights come from the government. If you think they come from God, then you are a Christian Nationalist (intolerable) and not a true Christian (barely tolerable).
Funny, I seem to remember reading somewhere that our Founding Fathers thought rights came from God and that governments are instituted to protect those rights. Where could that have been?
Oh, yeah! It was the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...

I guess the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were all Christian Nationalists as well.
14 Feb 24
New Article: Healing In the Atonement?

Many believe that there is physical healing in the atonement. If so, is it permanent or temporary? Complete or limited? Or not at all?
Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/HealingIntheAtonement.pdf
#healing #atonement #healingintheatonement
February Church Newsletter Now Online
Our February church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

22 Jan 24

New Article: The Curious Case of Cain

Just posted my latest article, The Curious Case of Cain. Of all the rogues and evildoers in the Bible, one looms over them all: Cain. Cain is the first child born to Adam and Eve and the first human never to live in the Garden of Eden. He was also the first murderer. And he still affects us today.
Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/TheCuriousCaseOfCain.pdf
#antisemitism #Cain #curseofCain #lineofCain
January Church Newsletter Now Online
Our January church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

11 Jan 24
Ohio House Votes to Override Gov. DeWine's Veto of H.B. 68, The SAFE Act

I went down to the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus on January 10 with Chris Long (President, Ohio Christian Alliance) for the House vote to override Gov. DeWine's veto of H.B. 68, the SAFE Act. We joined Pastor Dan Wolvin (Awake Ohio & Ohio Value Voters and Pastor Tim Throckmorton (Family Research Council) in the Visitor's Gallery after having prayer with Rep. Gary Click, the sponsor of the SAFE Act. The Lord blessed us with front row seats in the middle of the middle gallery section, right in front of some of the many opponents of H.B. 68.
We wanted to join with several other pro-family conservatives in order to pray for and encourage the Representatives. We were concerned that a couple of Republicans who had previously voted for the bill might waffle on us, especially with reports that the Governor was working the phones, trying to cajole and intimidate Representatives to not override his veto. There was also the threat of trans and LGBTQ activists causing disturbances in an attempt to intimidate Representatives.
Praise the Lord, the House voted 65 to 28 to override the veto. While we were fairly confident that the House would vote to override DeWine"s veto, the yes vote was better than expected. Of course, as soon as the results were announced, the opponents in the galley erupted in jeers, cursing, and insults as they angrily stomped out.
Now, it is on to the Senate. The Senate is scheduled to vote on January 24th. They were unable to convene today due to several members being unavailable. However, now that the House has resounding voted to override Gov. DeWine's veto, they may try to schedule an earlier session, possibly next week. Lord willing, Chris Long and I will be there for that vote as well.
Now is not the time to sit back and relax. Please contact your Ohio state senators and urge them to vote to override of Gov. DeWine's veto of the SAFE Act. And keep praying! We are very close to protecting women and children in Ohio. There is just one more override vote to go.
14 Dec 23

14 Dec 23
My Christmas Collection:
- The Spirit of Herod Is Alive and Well
- O Christmas Tree or Idolatry?
- Why was the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ Necessary?
- Who were the Shepherds?
- Why was Jesus made a "little lower than the angels"?
- The Birth of Christ As Recorded In the Scriptures
- T'was the Night Before Winter Fest
- How the ACLU Stole Christmas! (With Apologies to Dr. Suess!)
3 Dec 23
New Article: The Spirit of Herod Is Alive and Well

I just posted my December article, "The Spirit of Herod Is Alive and Well" King Herod and the people of Jerusalem were troubled. A large entourage from the east had arrived unexpectedly and camped outside of the city looking for the new King of the Jews. Herod's response was to slay male Jewish babies in and around Bethlehem. The same spirit that animated Herod is alive and well in the world today. Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/TheSpiritofHerod.pdf
#antisemitism #JewHatred #KingHerod
23 Nov 23

Managed to bag a turkey the old-fashioned way this year...
21 Nov 23

11 Nov 23

8 Nov 23
New Article: Psalm 83 – Future or Fulfilled?

I just posted my November article, "Psalm 83 – Future or Fulfilled?" War and unrest in the Mideast. Is it the beginning of the Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel or something else? Check our my latest article, "Psalm 83 - Future or Fulfilled?" In it I look at an often overlooked prophecy of another war and whether or not it has been fulfilled. Check it out at:
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/Psalm83.pdf
17 Oct 23
Vote NO on Issues 1 & 2
Chris Long, President of Ohio Christian Alliance joined me on Friday, October 13 to talk about why we should vote NO on Ohio state Issues 1 & 2 in November. You can listen to the program here: http://live.mapleknoll.us/13oct23.mp3
Bible Study: Psalm 83 - Fulfilled or Future?
We spent most of our last Friday night Bible study looking again at the Bible prophecies in Psalm 83, where the nations surrounding Israel conspire to destroy Israel. One of the things we discussed about Psalm 83 is whether it has already been fulfilled or it it is yet future. Also some discussion at the beginning and at the end regarding Ohio Issues 1 & 2. You can watch our Bible study on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/embed/v3kw1jk/?pub=1dq030
Michael Goldstein Weighs In On War In Israel
Our good friend Michael Goldstein joined us for hour 2 on our Sunday night radio program to talk about the war in Israel. Michael is a US Navy veteran with 30 years experience in Naval Intelligence. He also has a number of friends and contacts in Israel and with the Israeli Defence Forces.
You can listen to our discussion at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/15oct23Hour2.mp3
10 Oct 23
Addressing the Heinous Attack On Israel
I spent the last half hour of last Sunday night's program talking about the situation in Israel. You can listen by clicking on the links at the left or by clicking here at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/8oct23hour2.mp3http://live.mapleknoll.us/8oct23hour2.mp3
What Timing!
We spent most of our last Friday night Bible study looking at the prophecies related to the Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel and the Psalm 83 war to destroy Israel. You can watch our Bible study on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/embed/v3kw1jk/?pub=1dq030
New Article: And So All Israel Shall Be Saved

I just posted my October article, "And So All Israel Shall Be Saved" In this article I discuss what God has planned for the Jewish people. Despite many persecutions, the Jewish people continue to exist, maintaining their culture and religion, and are increasing in number. But what lies in store for them in the future? We know from Scripture what God has planned for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, but what does the Bible have to say about the Jews? After all, in Zechariah 2:8 God refers to the Jewish people as “the apple of his eye.”
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/WhyTalk.pdf
23 Sep 23
September Church Newsletter Now Online
Our September church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

11 Sep 23
Church Anniversary Celebration

New Article: Why Talk About the Blessed Hope?

I just posted my September article, "Why Talk About the Blessed Hope?" Many Pastors do not study end times Bible prophecy, let alone teach or preach about it. But should they? Is it important? Does the Bible say that we should? The answer to each of these questions is emphatically, YES!
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/WhyTalk.pdf
11 Sep 23
Remembering September 11, 2001
Listen to our special program remembering September 11, 2001, with Pastor Al Davis, Khalid Namar, and Seth Williams. Aired live on Sunday night, September 10, 2023, at 11:00 AM on Late Night Live with Pastor Al on AM 1220 WHKW.

17 Aug 23
Pastor Al celebrates 17 years on the radio!
Our August church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

16 Aug 23
August Church Newsletter Now Online
Our August church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

15 Aug 23
New Article: I'm Offended!

I just posted my August article, "I'm Offended!" In it I relate an incident that happened at our church booth at the Summit County Fair recently. A woman took offence at one of our tracts, calling it hate speech. I use the incident to show how Leftists try to attack and intimidate Christians and how to stand up to them. It was a little delayed due to the fair and the special August election.
You can find it at: http://pg.mapleknoll.us/I'mOffended.pdf
15 Jul 23
Vote YES On Ohio Issue 1
I have several programs now online discussing the importance of voting YES on Ohio Issue 1 during the August 8 special election. I also put together a list of organizations that are for and against Issue 1 that may be helpful.
The first program is a discussion with Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance on Friday, June 30. You can listen by clicking on the following link: http://live.mapleknoll.us/30jun23.mp3
The second program is a discussion with John Lutz, Pastor of the NorthCoast Baptist Church in Lakewood, Ohio, on Friday, July 14. You can listen by clicking on the following link: http://live.mapleknoll.us/14jul23ftcoc.mp3
The third program is a discussion with Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life on Friday, July 14. You can listen by clicking on the following link: http://live.mapleknoll.us/14jul23.mp3
You can see the list by clicking on the picture below:

6 Jul 23
July Church Newsletter Now Online
Our July church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

5 Jul 23
New Article: The Smoke of Their Judgment

Check it out at: The Smoke of Their Judgment
4 Jul 23
Happy Independence Day!

This past Sunday night, I read the Declaration of Independence on the air during the last half hour of the program and then made some comments regaurding it. You can listen to that portion of the program at:
27 Jun 23
Ohio Christian Alliance Freedom Banquet

My wife, Kimberly, and I had the opportunity to attend the Ohio Christian Alliance Freedom Banquet last Thursday, along with 5 others from our church, at the Akron-Fairlawn Hilton.
Speakers included Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Ohio Treasurer of State Robert Sprague, State Representative Brian Stewart, Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno, Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis, and Ohio Christian Alliance President Chris Long. The MC for the evening was WRFD 880 AM (Columbus) radio host Bob Burney. I was honored to give the benediction at the close of the program.
The focus of the evening was the importance of a yes vote on Ohio Issue 1 on the August 8 special election in order to protect the integrity of the Ohio Constitution and to help defeat the radical pro-death abortion amendment being pushed for the November ballot. (I will be posting more on these later.)

17 Jun 23
Pride Event Smoked Out

Visited Washington DC last week and walked by the Whitehouse Thursday morning, June 8. Lafayette Park was closed off and security was tight because Biden was supposed to make a speech for Pride Month and welcome thousands of guests to a Pride celebration on the South Lawn. However, due to poor air quality because of the Canadian forest fires, the festivities had to be postponed to Saturday. The smoke was bad each day but without a doubt it was the worst on Thursday. I doubt that was a coincidence.
"But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision." (Psalm 59:8)

Tuesday, June 6, was the 79th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We visited the Circle of Remembrance today to see the completed prayer addition commemorating President Roosevelt's nationally broadcast prayer announcing the invasion to the nation.
While there, we met up with Chris Long , President of the Ohio Christian Alliance, who had been there earlier for a special D-Day Anniversary dedication of the Circle. The Circle of Remembrance Prayer Addition was a result of his dream, dedication, a lot of prayer, and all the glory to God for getting it done.
While I am under no illusion or misconception that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a born again Christian, the addition of hie prayer to the nation reminds us that there was a time in our nation's not so distant past that even the unsaved had a certain amount of respect for God and the power of prayer.

14 Jun 23
June Church Newsletter Now Online
Our May church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

5 Jun 23
New Article: Pride Goeth Before Destruction

In my latest article, Pride Goeth Before Destruction, I discuss the societal, chronological, and spiritual origins of Pride Month and why pride is such a dangerous, deadly sin.
Check it out at: Pride Goeth Before Destruction
28 May 23

12 May 23
The 60% Ohio Constitution Amendment Increase Resolution Passed the Ohio House!

"The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will." (Proverbs 21:1)
Wednesday, May 10, the Ohio House passed Senate Joint Resolution 2 (SJR2) 62 to 37. Shortly thereafter, the Ohio Senate voted to accept SJR2 as amended by the House with a 26 to 7 vote. Now the Resolution is at the Ohio Secretary of State's office and will be on the ballot August 8.
SJR2 is the Senate version of HJR1 and has the same wording. Both call for changing the process to amend Ohio's Constitution from 50% + one vote, which has been the case since 1912. This means that, with 8.9 million voters, the State Constitution amendment would need a minimum of 5,340,000 (60%) to 3,560,000 (40%), rather than the current 4,450,001 (50.00001%) to 4,449,999 (49.99999%).
Passage of this resolution this week was essential in our fight to keep Ohio pro-life. The pro-death camp is working to put an abortion on demand up until the time of birth amendment on the ballot in November. They believe that they can get at least 50.00001% to enshrine abortion on demand in the Ohio Constitution but not 60%. Consequently, they have been working tirelessly to keep HJR1 and SJR2 from being passed. Now that that SJ@ has been passed, we can expect them to work even harder to oppose it in August. We need to work -- and pray -- harder!
10 May 23
Happy Mother's Day!

May Church Newsletter Now Online
Our May church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

1 May 23
New Article: Mental Dysphoria

In my latest article, Mental Dysphoria, I discuss gender dysphoria in light of xenomelia or Body Identity Integrity Disorder (BIID) and the curse of sin in the world.
Check it out at: Mental Dysphoria
Too Funny! County Councilman Triggers Woke Liberals and Gets Them to Protest Their Own Ideology by Proclaiming He Is Now a Lesbian “Woman of Color”
Shared this on the radio program Sunday night. It is too funny not too share. Sounds like something from the Babylon Bee, except it’s real. Kudos to this county council member for being willing to poke the woke left in the eye with their own stick!
14 Mar 23
Have a Happy & Blessed Easter Sunday!

New Article: The Stone Was Rolled Away Not to Let Jesus Out but to Let Us In

"Some years ago, my wife and I went to one of the best Easter Passion plays that I have ever seen. It was a local church production, and it was obvious that they had really put a lot of time, effort, and prayer into it. As the climactic scene of the resurrection approached, the darkness of the auditorium was pierced with bright flashes for lightning and dramatic rolling kettle drum flourishes for thunder. Suddenly, in the dim light on the stage, the stone in front of the tomb rolled aside as a brilliant beam of light from within burst through the fog pouring out across the stage. As our eyes adjusted to the light we could see the resurrected Jesus, backlit dramatically by the light, striding majestically through the fog from the depths of the tomb, victorious over death!
"It was a very moving scene. One of the best resurrection scenes I have ever seen depicted. Except, it was not Biblical."
Check it out at: The Stone Was Rolled Away Not to Let Jesus Out but to Let Us In
14 Mar 23
Happy Palm Sunday!

April Church Newsletter Now Online
Our April church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

14 Mar 23
Jesus Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary

The miracle at the wedding feast at Cana was not that water turned to wine. Water turns to wine everyday. The miracle was how the water turned to wine. And, it illustrates how Jesus has a way of making the ordinary extraordinary.
Check it out at: Jesus Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary
March Church Newsletter Now Online
Our March church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

Bringing America Back to Life Convention

My wife and I visited the Bringing America Back to Life Convention in Independence, Ohio, last Saturday. While there, we enjoyed the dinner event featuring Seth Dillon, CEO of The Babylon Bee as the Keynote speaker. We were seated with Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance and Sarah McGervey, Executive Director of Right to Life of Northeast Ohio.
Pi Day Pie Fellowship

We had our annual Pi Day Pie Fellowship at the Richfield Bible Baptist Church this past Sunday, following the morning service. In addition to sloppy Joes, homemade potato salad, and other meal items, we had a dozen or more pies, including apple, peach, blueberry, rhubarb, coconut cream, mixed berry, chocolate, crumb.
Between too much pie and the time change, it's no wonder I felt like I was ready to fall into a pie induced coma Sunday night during the radio program! Good thing we had a lot of callers to help keep me awake...
9 Feb 23
30 Pieces of Silver Project

Conservative Republicans across Ohio were shocked and dismayed by the recent betrayal of 22 Republican representatives who joined with the Democrats to elect Rep. Jason Stephens as Speaker of the Ohio House on Tuesday, January 3. We want to know, What was their price?
These 22 had previously pledged their support for conservative Rep. Derek Merrin, who was widely anticipated to lead the Republican super-majority in the House in passing a variety of conservative, faith, and family friendly legislation. Now, Ohio faces the real possibility of a constitutional amendment enshrining abortion on demand into the Ohio Constitution, and a divided House, essentially controlled by the minority Democrats, where the conservative agenda is, for all intents and purposes, dead.
If you are shocked like we are, why not join us in sending 30 pieces of silver to one (or all) of the turncoat Republicans who have betrayed us by selling out to the Leftist agenda and ask: What was your price?
Visit our web page, 30 Pieces of Silver Project for more information, including pdf's of the names and mailing addresses of each of the 22.

8 Feb 23
At the Ohio Statehouse

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
I travelled to Columbus on Tuesday, January 30, for Governor DeWine's State of the State Address to the combined general assembly of the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate. Thanks to the generous assistance of Rep. Bill Roemer, I obtained a floor pass for the address. On the floor of the House Chamber, I met Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance, and Pastor John Coats.
Gov. Dewine had much to say about children, families, education, and employment opportunities in his address. In fact, he began by saying:
"We meet at a time of great opportunity for Ohio and its citizens.
"Yet, it is also a time of great challenges.
"Our future is bright - but that future will be defined by how well we educate all our children and how we tear down the barriers to their success. We are challenged as never before, because at no time in our history has the full education of all our children been more important.
"The budget that I will present to you later today reflects the moral imperative we have to see that ALL Ohioans are fully educated, and therefore, have the tools to live up to their full God-given potential."
Much of what he said was admirable, especially in recognizing the need to encourage reading among our children. After all, as Christians, we recognize the need for people to be able to read and study the Scriptures. In fact, in Isaiah 34:16, God says, "Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read…" He also called for a repeal of the Ohio's sales tax on infant supplies, such as diapers, wipes, cribs, car seats, strollers, and safety equipment, a $2,500 per child state tax deduction, improving the adoption process and the foster care system, educational assistance and reforms, including school choice, school funding, and new scholarships and grants for students furthering their education in Ohio colleges and universities. He even proposing the creation of a new Cabinet-level agency, called the "Department of Children and Youth."
Sounded good, but, as some of the State Representatives and Senators and others were overheard asking, "Where is the money coming from?"
Sadly, however, he did not address the prolife issue in Ohio and the need to safeguard our State Constitution from the efforts of the Left to write abortion on demand into the Ohio Constitution. After all, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and others on the Left are planning an attempt to amend the Ohio State Constitution, thereby overturning prolife laws in Ohio and eliminating decades of prolife effort and victories.
This, of course, is only a part of the Governor's address. If you would like to read it in its entirety you can find it at: https://governor.ohio.gov/media/news-and-media/governor-dewines-2023-state-of-the-state-address-01312023.
Attacking the Image of God

The Devil hates God. However, he cannot directly attack God. Consequently, the Devil attacks that which God has created, that which God loves, and especially that which bears the image of God. Awareness of how he attacks is vital in our spiritual walk if we are counter those attacks and faithfully represent God to the world around us.
Check it out at: Attacking the Image of God
February Church Newsletter Now Online
Our February church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

24 Jan 23
Can You Trust 1 John 5:7 In Your Bible?

What is the Johannine Comma and why is it important? Was it a later addition to some Bible manuscripts as some teach or a restoration of earlier deletions? My latest article, "Can You Trust 1 John 5:7 In Your Bible?" is now available online.
Check it out at: Can You Trust 1 John 5:7 In Your Bible?
January Church Newsletter Now Online
Our January church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

3 Jan 23
Happy New Year!
I hope you will commit to reading the Bible more in the coming year. There are a lot of Bible reading programs out there but the best one is the one that works for you. However, no program will work unless you are willing to open up the Bible and give it a try.
I have a couple of articles listed below that I hope will be a help to you in establishing your own Bible reading program:31 Dec 22

23 Dec 22

20 Dec 22
My Christmas Collection:
- O Christmas Tree or Idolatry?
- Why was the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ Necessary?
- Who were the Shepherds?
- Why was Jesus made a "little lower than the angels"?
- The Birth of Christ As Recorded In the Scriptures
- T'was the Night Before Winter Fest
- How the ACLU Stole Christmas! (With Apologies to Dr. Suess!)
O Christmas Tree or Idolatry?

Does Jeremiah 10:1-4 condemn Christmas trees?
Check it out at: O Christmas Tree or Idolatry?
December Church Newsletter Now Online
Our December church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

15 Nov 22
For a Piece of Bread

In a famine, what would you give for a piece of bread? Famines and other crises have been used for thousands of years to concentrate the wealth, power, and control of the masses into the hands of a few. In my latest article, For a Piece of Bread, I look at how the Communists in Ethiopia used this ancient tactic as they exploited and exacerbated the 1980’s famine to solidify their control over the people and warns of how it is being implemented by the globalists today.
Check it out at: For a Piece of Bread
November Church Newsletter Now Online
Our November church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

10 Nov 22
Happy Veterans Day!

7 Nov 22
Late Night Live with Pastor Al to Expand!

We are excited to announce that our Sunday night program, Late Night Live with Pastor Al, is expanding by one hour on Sunday night, November 13. Join us for two hours of Late Night Live with Pastor Al, Sunday nights from 10 PM until midnight.
You will be able to catch our expanded program online or on air at 1220 WHKW. Our Florida affiliate, Faith Talk Tampa, will join us for the second hour at 11 PM.
So join us Sunday nights, starting November 13, at our new time, 10 PM, for Late Night Live with Pastor Al!
Pre-Election Special

Pastor John Lutz and I combined our programs last Friday afternoon to discuss the coming November 8 elections. You can listen by clicking on the links below:
D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration

Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance joined with me last night to discuss the D-Day Prayer Addition Celebration on Veterans Day, November 11, at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D>C>
Check it out at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/6Nov22.mp3
13 Oct 22
The Pecking Order

Just posted my latest article, The Pecking Order.
Establishing a social pecking order, or dominance hierarchy as sociologist like to refer to it, in human societies can be difficult, even violent and cruel. So far as chickens go, it is because the world is under a curse. But, with people, we have the added dimension of a fallen, sin nature. Thankfully, God has provided a better way.
Check it out at: The Pecking Order
October Church Newsletter Now Online
Our October church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

3 Oct 22
2 New Radio Spots
We are continuing to add 60 second radio spots on AM 1420 The Answer in Cleveland, Ohio. The Answer is the sister station to AM 1220 The Word, which airs our programs in the Cleveland area.
Our fifth radio spot is Who Is Sovereign In America?
Our sixth radio spot is Are You a SAGE Con?
Hopefully, we will be adding two more next week.
Recent Program with Gary Kah on Globalist Economy

Gary Kah joined me on the air Friday, September 30, to discuss the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDC's), Biden's 9 March 2022 Executive Order 14067, Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, and the move to a unified global plans for a coming digital one-world economic system. These things are not the Mark of the Beast foretold in the Bible -- yet. But they are setting the stage for it:
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17)"
As we see the stage set for the coming global antichrist system, we should not be overwhelmed or anxious. If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour then you can take comfort in His words
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)
Click here to listen: http://live.mapleknoll.us/230sep22.mp3
16 Sep 22

Your help is needed to support State Board of Education Member Brendan Shea's Resolution:
Click here now for more information and instructions on how to send your comments: Protect Ohio Children Now!
He Being Dead Yet Speaketh

My latest article, "He Being Dead Yet Speaketh," looks at how your witness can live on after your time on earth is done.
Check it out at: He Being Dead Yet Speaketh
September Church Newsletter Now Online
Our September church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

13 Sep 22

3 Sep 22
2 New Radio Spots
We are a couple of weeks into a series of 60 second radio spots on AM 1420 The Answer in Cleveland, Ohio. The Answer is the sister station to AM 1220 The Word, which airs our programs in the Cleveland area.
The third radio spot is Why Have We Abandoned God In Our Nation?
The fourth radio spot is Where Are the Patriots and Pastors?
We hope to add a few more radio spots over the course of the 10 weeks.
Pastor Al Addresses Biden's Recent Soul of the Nation Speech
Joe Biden's Soul of the Nation speech on Thursday night was perhaps the most macabre and disturbing speeches I have ever seen. All he needed was the The Imperial March (Darth Vader's theme song) playing in the background.
Two verses came to mind while watching the speech:
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." (2 Timothy 3:13)
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)
Click here to listen: http://live.mapleknoll.us/2sep22.mp3
18 Jul 22
New Radio Spots
Over the next 10 weeks we are running a series of 60 second radio spots on AM 1420 The Answer in Cleveland, Ohio. The Answer is the sister station to AM 1220 The Word, which airs our programs in the Cleveland area.
The first radio spot is Why Don't Pastors Speak Out On Political Issues and Elections?
The second radio spot is Why Don't Churches Speak Out Against Communism?
We hope to add a few more radio spots over the course of the 10 weeks.
18 Jul 22
Able to Update Web Pages Again!
Finally able to update our web pages. It was, as I had thought, a password related issue.
We had a good time at the Summit County Fair at the end of July. The crowds were good and we were able to do a good bit of "ploughing and planting" during the week.
On Sunday, August 7, I celebrated 25 years as the pastor of the Richfield Bible Baptist Church. I preached and we had a great time of fellowship with a wonderful dinner after the service.
August Church Newsletter Now Online
Our August church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

18 Jul 22
Check us out at the Summit County Fair!

I will be joining my home church, the Richfield Bible Baptist Church at the Summit County Fair again this year, July 26-31. Look for us just inside the main gate, about midway down on the right as you enter.
I plan to be there most of the week, except Sunday, and will be doing the Friday radio program direct from the fairgrounds. Pastor John Lutz will be in the studio.
So, stop by and see us at the Summit County Fair!
8 Jul 22
Cats are Proof that the Earth Is Not Flat

The Flat Earth idea is gaining traction with some Christians. Consequently, God's people need to know where it comes from and why it is not Biblical.
Check it out at: Cats are Proof that the Earth Is Not Flat
July Church Newsletter Now Online
Our July church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

7 Jul 22
Bills to Watch at the Ohio Statehouse
On Friday's radio program, 1 July 2022, I commented on Joshua 13:1 where God tells Joshua that, after a lifetime of service, there is still much to do:
Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed.
Based on that passage, I pointed out that, even with the victories we have experienced lately with the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe and upholding religious freedoms, we still have "very much land to be possessed."
Just in Ohio, I pointed out that the Heartbeat Bill, which went into effect after Roe was overturned, is facing renewed legal challenges. I also pointed out several bills in the Ohio Statehouse that Christians should be speaking to their state representatives and senators about, plus I just heard of another:
- Support: HB 353 - Enact The Testing Your Faith Act; Passed House on 18 May 2022 (88:1), Currently in Senate Workforce and Higher Education Committee, https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/134/hb353
- Support: HB 504 - Increase penalty for disturbing a religious worship meeting; Passed House on 6 April 2022, Currently in Senate Judiciary Committee, https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/134/hb504
- Support: HB 616 - Regards promotion, teaching-divisive, inherently racist concepts; Currently in the House State and Local Government Committee, https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/134/hb616
- Support: SB 352 - Designate June 24 as "Life Day"; Introduced to the Senate on 6 June 2022, https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-summary?id=GA134-SB-352
- Oppose: HB 420 - Prohibit certain professionals from conversion therapy for minors; Currently in House Health Committee https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/134/hb420
- Oppose: SB 50 - Prohibit conversion therapy for minors; Currently is Senate Health Committee, https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/134/sb50
20 Jun 22
How Can I Tell A Good Church from A Bad One?

A caller asked a great question last night about how to find a good church. That reminded me of an article that I wrote several years ago on this very subject:
Looking for a church can be a daunting task. Should I pick Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, Nondenominational, or something else? Should I go to the "fastest growing church in town," the "friendliest church around," or the "church on the move." Do I want contemporary, traditional, casual, structured, or unstructured services? Would I feel more spiritual worshiping at that historic downtown building or be more comfortable in the new architectural marvel out by the interstate? What's the difference anyway-aren't all churches essentially the same? How can I tell a good church from a bad one?...Click here to read the full article!
11 Jun 22
New Article: A Shocking Statistic!

The average American Christian has become like the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll's classic novel, Through the Looking Glass, who said to Alice, "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ... Our nation, our people, and our churches have rejected of God and His Word. Today, we are reaping the bitter fruits of that rejection. But, can anything be done about this? Can we reverse these shocking statistics?
Check it out at: A Shocking Statistic!
June Church Newsletter Now Online
Our June church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

1 Jun 22
Memorial Day at the Ohio Veterans Memorial Park
Memorial Day, 2022, at the Ohio Veterans Memorial Park in Clinton, Ohio. The Park is open 24/7 so we came down to visit after our Sunday night radio program. Seeing the Wall of Remembrance and the Gold Star mother and father statues at 1 AM as opposed to 1 PM has a different, more somber, feel. Hope you had a safe and blessed Memorial Day.
26 May 22
A Shocking Statistic!
This past Sunday evening Pastor John Lutz of North Coast Bptist Church, in Lakewood, Ohio, joined me on our Sunday night program. We discussed a recent Barna survey reporting that 62% of America's pastors lack a Biblical worldview. Instead, according to Barna, they "possess a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism."
You can listen to the whole program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/22may22.mp3
Or, you can listen to just the portion where Pastor Lutz and discuss this survey at: A Shocking Statistic!
My wife and I spent Monday morning, May 23, at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. State Representative Gary Click, Pastor of Fremont Baptist Temple in Fremot, Ohio, sponsored an American Restoration Tour event in the Statehouse atrium with Faith Wins Founder Chad Connelly, Faith Wins Ohio Director Josiah Kagin, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Kettering, Ohio, and Christian historian David Barton of WallBuilders.
Afterwards, we walked around the Statehouse, checking out the historical displays and the Statehouse Museum before heading home.
16 May 22
Welcome to our new listeners on Faith Talk Tampa!
This past Sunday evening, Late Night Live with Pastor Al, went back on the air on Faith Talk Tampa, reaching much of Central Florida! It wis good to be back on the air in Tampa and we hope we will be a blessing and encouragement to our new listeners as we answer your questions about the Bible and current events in light of God's Word.
If you missed the program, you can listen to it here at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/15may22.mp3
Bible Baptiat Church Dedication Service - May 22!
The Richfield Bible Baptist Church will be celebrating its new meeting location with a dedication service on Sunday, May 22, at 11:00 AM. Bro. David Iseminger, from Pittsburg, PA, will be preaching during our morning service and we will have a fellowship dinner following at 12:30 PM.
Please join us at 4174 Wheatley Road, in Richfield, Ohio, 44286.
May Church Newsletter Now Online
Our May church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

13 May 22
Breaking News: Back on the Radio in Tampa, Florida!
Our Sunday evening program, Late Night Live with Pastor Al, will be returning to Faith Talk Tampa on Sunday, May 15! We have been praying about getting back on the air in Tampa for some time but were waiting on the Lord. Now, we are thanking God for raising up an anonymous donor to fund an entire year on Faith Talk Tampa.
Gearing up for the new program, I have put together a promo for the Florida stations, which is already running, and will be interviewed on the Bill Bunkley Show this Friday, May 13, on Faith Talk Tampa. The interview should be about 5:35 PM.
We were last on in Florida four years ago. We received a number of donations which enabled us to be on the air 2016 through 2018. Now due to a generous doner, we were able to pay for an entire year upfront, in advance. And, it looks like funds will be available to pay for a second year as welll when we get there.
20 Apr 22
Faith Wins

Our church, the Richfield Bible Baptist Church, will be hosting a Faith Wins Pastor's Luncheon on Tuesday, April 26.
Faith Wins is a national organization "dedicated to educating, activating and mobilizing faith leaders, helping them leverage their influence and impact within the governmental and political arena."
Faith Wins Founder and Director Chad Connelly will be joining us, along with Ohio Director Josiah Kagin. In addition to working with Faith Wins, Kagin is the pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Kettering, Ohio.
The purpose of the luncheon is to mobilize pastors and help them to learn more about maximizing the Christian vote and voice in Ohio prior to the May 3 primary elections and the November 8 general election.
Please pray for us. This is the first event of this sort that we have hosted since moving into our new facility.
12 Apr 22
Happy Easter!

1Co 15:12-26
(12) Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?
(13) But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:
(14) And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
(15) Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
(16) For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
(17) And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
(18) Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
(19) If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
(20) But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.
(21) For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
(22) For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
(23) But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
(24) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
(25) For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
(26) The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
Easter is a celebration of the most important event in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not a bunny hiding colored eggs. Read my articles to see why it is important to know what day Jesus was crucified on and why the word Easter is an acceptable, historic, Biblical word that you should not be afraid to use:
1 Apr 22
The Bible Baptist Church has moved to a new location!

It's official -- the Bible Baptist Church has moved to 4174 Wheatley Road, Suite 200, in Richfield, Ohio. We received our occupancy permit on Thursday, March 31, and are no longer meeting at the Richfield Holiday Inn Express.
29 Mar 22
New Article: Were the Founding Fathers Prolife?

If the Founding Father's meant, in the Declaration of Independence, that we have the right to life, meaning the right to life itself, then that would explain why they later wrote in the Bill of Rights, in the Fifth Amendment, that "…nor shall any person…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law". And again, later, in the Fourteenth Amendment, "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law". These two amendments make it clear that the Founding Fathers held to the sanctity of human life, believing that neither the federal government, nor the state governments, should be allowed to capriciously deprive any person of life.
Check it out at: Were the Founding Father's Prolife?
April Church Newsletter Now Online
Our April church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

16 Mar 22
Special Guest, Janet Folger Porter, coming up on Friday, March 18
Janet Folger Porter, the architech of the Heartbeat Bills in Ohio and around the country, including Texas, will be joining me to talk about the big victory in the Texas Supreme Court that ruled against abortion clinics in a recent challenge to the Texas Heartbeat Law. Janet says this is This is the most significant pro-life victory in the last 50 years. We will be discussing the implications of this important ruling for Ohio's heartbeat bill other bills across the country and what it may portend for Roe v. Wade.
Janet Folger Porter is the founder of Faith 2 Action and a candidate for the U.S. House of Representative for Ohio's 13th Congressional District.
Join us Friday at 1:30 pm on WHKW 1220!
8 Mar 22
Special Programs with Pastor John Lutz & Missionary Spencer Smith
Pastor John Lutz filled in for me on Friday, February 25. He was joined over the phone with a special guest, Missionary Spencer Smith
Pastor Lutz had planned to interview Bro. Smith on his program at 1:00 pm prior to my asking him to fill in for me at 1:30 pm. Filling in for me gave Bro. Lutz the opportunity to continue talking with Bro. Smith during our half hour as well.
Bro. Smith has produced numerous videos and several book dealing with the satanic seduction, infiltration, and corruption of Christianity, churches, and even God's people.
Be sure to check out Bro. Spencer Smith's You Tube page at: https://www.missionaryspencersmith.com/youtube-videos
You can listen to the programs at: Spencer Smith Interview Part 1
The second half hour can be heard at: Spencer Smith Interview Part 2
New Article: The Russian Bear Is On the Move

With Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine, people are asking where this might fit into Bible prophecy. My latest article, "The Russian Bear Is on the Move," looks at Russia and Ukraine in light of Bible prophecy and the end times.
Check it out at: The Russian Bear Is On the Move
March Church Newsletter Now Online
Our March church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

15 Feb 22
Russia, Ukraine, and Ezekiel 38

Russia and Ukraine have held the attention of much of the world recently. Putin has been moving troops, materials, and military equipment into position prompting many to expect Russia to invade the Ukraine imminently.
But what if Russia has something else in mind? This past Sunday night I speculated on the radio that perhaps Putin might be using the threat to invade Ukraine in the north to divert the world's attention from his actual plans further south, in the Middle East. After all, the threat to Ukraine provides a credible reason for sending military transports from northern Russian ports the long way around through the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.
You can listen as I discuss the Russia-Ukraine situation in light of the Ezekiel 38 prophesy of Israel at: Russia, Ukraine, and Ezekiel 38
14 Feb 22
Testimony Before Ohio House Government Oversight Committee
The Constitutional Carry bill, SB 215, had its proponent hearing in the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee last week. While I did not go down to Columbus to appear personally, I did have opportunity to submit written testimony in favor of SB 215.
My written testimony is available at: S.B. 215 Proponent Testimony
You can view all the testimony for this bill at: Government Oversight Committee Meeting – February 9, 2022
8 Feb 22
The Bible & the Death Penalty: Special Combined Programs with Pastor John Lutz
Pastor John Lutz and I combined our radio programs on Friday, January 28, to spend an hour discussing the death penalty in light of God's Word.
Why? Well, two bills are currently being promoted at the Ohio Statehouse, Senate Bill 103 and House Bill 183, which seek to eliminate the death penalty in Ohio. There is also a move underway by leftist, progressive organizations to infiltrate conservative churches and groups using conservative sounding front groups. The far-left group, Equal Justice USA, for example, is the parent organization for Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty. God’s people need to be aware of what is going on.
You can listen to the program here at: Death Penalty Part 1
The second half hour can be heard at: Death Penalty Part 2
New Article: Is the Death Penalty Biblical?

In the linked article I am not so much addressing how the death penalty is implemented or for what crimes it should be used for. Instead, it is an examination of the Biblical basis of the death penalty and whether it applies today or not.
Check it out at: Is the Death Penalty Biblical?
Latest Church Newsletter Now Online
Our February church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

Testimony Before Ohio House Health Committee

The Ohio House Health Committee held hearings on H.B. 324 on Tuesday. H.B. 324, Enact Shirley and Wilma's Law, was introduced by Rep. Gary Click to protect the rights of hospitalized Ohioans to be visited by family and clergy in the midst of a health crisis. Rep. Click introduced H.B. 324 due to his inability as a pastor to visit members of his church in the hospital who were suffering from COVID and seeing them deprived of family visits as well.
I joined with Rep. Click as well as Chris Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance, Pastor Dan Wolvin, Ohio Director of Awake America, and several others to give testimony in support of H.B. 324.
A pdf of my testimony is available at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/HB324-Testimony.pdf.
Unexpected Recognition

I was pleasantly surprised to receive two proclamations of commendation from the Ohio State House of Representatives this past week. The first was a congratulations from the Ohio House to the Richfield Bible Baptist Church on the celebration the upcoming (September) celebration of the 40th anniversary of our founding. The second was a recognition by the Ohio House of my 25 years of service as Pastor of the Richfield Bible Baptist Church, coming up in August.
A special thank you to Richfield’s own, Representative Bill Roemer, who sponsored both of these commendations! And thank you to the Ohio State House of Representatives and Speaker Robert R. Cupp for the honors. May God bless you!
14 Jan 22
Special Guest Appearance on Understanding the Times with Mike Fodor Now Available Online
I was a guest on Understanding the Times with Mike Fodor this past Wednesday evening. In addition to sharing my testimony and how I wound up in the ministry, we discussed developing a Biblical worldview.
You can listen to the program here at: https://omny.fm/shows/understanding-the-times/01-12-develope-a-biblical-worldview-with-pastor-al
10 Jan 22

Special Guest Appearance on Understanding the Times with Mike Fodor
I will be a guest on Understanding the Times with Mike Fodor on Wednesday, January 12, at 7:00 PM on AM 1220 WHKW.
Mike Fodor is on every Wednesday evening discussing the Bible and current events (much like our program!). He occasionally devotes an entire program to interviewing area pastors, which is why I will be on.
Please tune in at 7:00 PM to AM 1220 or FM 96.9 WHKW on air or online at:https://thewordcleveland.com/
I will post a link to the program here afterwards when it is available.
New Article Published

Just posted a new article, Secure In Christ, online.
People want security. National security. Personal security. Financial security. People want security in all aspects of their lives. But what about spiritual security? Is it possible, and, if so, what is it and how can you have it?
Click here to read the full article!1 Jan 22

2021 was a year of challenges. It started with a contested election resulting in a questionable new administration that began immediately positioning itself as one of the most anti-Christian, anti-Sematic, pro-death, globalist administrations our nation has ever experienced. The left-leaning media outlets, the new administration, the leftists in congress, and the leftist controlled social media platforms all conspired to fan the flames of COVID phobia, pushing a questionable vaccine and dividing Americans into the clean (vaxed) and the unclean (unvaxed).
Nevertheless, 2021 was also a year of tremendous blessings and opportunities. In the midst of the chaos and confusion, God has shown His faithfulness and watchcare over our church time and time again.
In January, several of our church people succumbed to the Chinese virus, including myself. I spent most of the last week of January in the hospital. Through it all, the church continued to meet in person, with people filling in where needed and me preaching via Google Meet. December saw another resurgence of COVID and, despite a number of people succumbing once more to the Chinese virus, our church continued to meet for all services. Once again, people filled in where needed and Google Meet made it possible for preaching, even song leading, to continue despite COVID quarantines.
Despite COVID challenges, we were able to continue the radio program uninterrupted during the year as well. We had some great guests, including John Lutz (pastor), Chris Long (Ohio Christian Alliance), Michael Goldstein (Proclaiming Justice to the Nations), Ian Juby (creation researcher, media producer), LaVerne Gore (U.S. congressional candidate), Jennifer Gross (Ohio House representative), James Simpson (author, investigative reporter), Gary Click (pastor, Ohio House representative), William J. Federer (author, historian), Mike Tripoldi (Grace Hospice), and Rod Black (evangelist, author).
Throughout the year, God has blessed in many ways. In June we were able to resume weekly services at a local nursing home (though it was shut down due to illness again later in the year). July saw us at the Summit County Fair once more - mask free. I marked 24 years as Pastor of the Richfield Bible Baptist Church in August, as well 15 years on the radio. Then, in September, our church celebrated 39 years of ministry in Richfield, Ohio.
Attendance has been up at our church in 2021 and we have continued to see visitors at our Sunday services and Friday night Bible studies. We have seen people come to Christ, grow spiritually, and get more involved in ministry opportunities. Financially, we have seen one of our best years ever this past year, enabling us to give more to missions as well. Also, our church and radio program websites have averaged more views and our social media sites have generated more responses than ever in 2021.
Still, as we enter 2022, we need to remember, as the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 13:1, "...there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed." Until the Lord calls us home, we still have much to do. We need to resolve to do more in the coming year; to "...consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching" (Hebrews 10:24-25).
So, as we look back on 2021, it is with thanks to God for His watchcare, protection, and blessing. And to you for your prayers and support. May God richly bless you in 2022. May this be the year the Lord comes to catch away His people. Maranatha! Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

24 Dec 21

For your Christmas enjoyment, here is a collection of some materials I have done in relation to Christmas over the years:
- Why was the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ Necessary?
- Who were the Shepherds of Bethlehem?
- The Birth of Christ as Recorded In the Scriptures
- Twas the Night Before Winter Fest
- How the ACLU Stole Christmas! (With Apologies to Dr. Suess!)
There are also a couple of Christmas word searches available on the left side of this page for your enjoyment.
Merry Christmas & God Bless to All!
7 Dec 21
Radio Program: When a Child of God Dies with Rod Black

Rod Black, author of When a Child of God Dies..., joined me on the radio this past Friday. We talked about his experience with the recent loss of his wife of many years and how God used that to help him comfort others going through similar situations.
Black's book, When a Child of God Dies..., addresses both what happens when a Christian breathes their last breath and how we should react when someone we love dies. He also gives a biblical approach to finding comfort, peace, and healing.
You can obtain Rod Black's book at SermonandSong.org
You can listen to the radio interview at Live with Pastor Al - 3 Dec 21
30 Nov 21
New Article Published

Just posted a new article, Why was the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ Necessary?, online.
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ is one of the best-known prophecies about the coming Messiah. But, other than a supernatural occurrence to validate Bible prophecy and set apart the birth of our Saviour from all others, why is it so important? Or, to put it another way, why was the virgin birth so necessary?
Click here to read the full article!
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

28 Oct 21
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rule may put an end to many church operated nursing home and assisted living services.

Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), published the CMS Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Interim Final Rule in the Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 212 / Friday, November 5, 2021 / Rules and Regulations 61555.
This requirement is going to directly affect church nursing home and assisted living services, which are dependent on volunteers. According to the CMS Omnibus Staff Vax Requirements - External FAQ - Clean - Update 1 - 11.18.21, volunteers are now required to be vaccinated:
Q: Which staff are covered under this requirement? A. This vaccination requirement applies to eligible staff working at almost all CMS-certified facilities that participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, regardless of clinical responsibility or patient contact. The requirement includes all current staff as well as any new staff who provide any care, treatment, or other services for the facility and/or its patients. This includes facility employees, licensed practitioners, students, trainees, and volunteers. Additionally, this also includes individuals who provide care, treatment, or other services for the facility and/or its patients under contract or other arrangements. (p 2)
Q: What are the documentation requirements for staff vaccinations? Are these the same for vendors? A: As noted in the rule, this vaccination requirement generally applies to eligible staff working at a CMS-certified facility that participates in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, regardless of clinical responsibility or patient contact. The requirement includes all current staff as well as any new staff who provide any care, treatment, or other services for the covered facility and/or its 8 patients. This also includes facility employees, licensed practitioners, students, trainees, and volunteers. Additionally, individuals who provide care, treatment, or other services for the facility and/or its patients under contract or other arrangements must be vaccinated. (p 7-8)
[Emphasis added]
Many of the churches operating nursing home and assisted living services will not comply with the vaccine requirements, nor will the volunteers they depend on. There are provisions for religious exemptions, but, in all reality, most care facilities will have neither the time nor the staff to deal with the paperwork such claims for exemptions on the part of volunteers entails. Consequently, my concern is that this HHS rule may put an end to many nursing home and assisted living services across the country.
Pastor John Lutz, of NorthCoast Baptist Church, Lakewood, Ohio, and I discussed this and recent efforts to ban or restrict vaccine mandates at the Ohio Statehouse on his radio program, For the Cause of Christ on Friday, November 19. I also discussed it at length during the second half of our Sunday Night radio program on November 21.
You can listen to both programs here:
28 Oct 21
New Article Published

Just posted a new article, Does the Bible Teach Communism?, online.
Those promoting Liberation Theology work hand in sickle with others who claim Jesus held communist beliefs and that Christians should embrace communism. They claim passages such as Luke 18:22, where Jesus says to the rich ruler, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me show Jesus teaching communism. And, in Acts 4:32, they say the Bible gives the example of the early Believers practicing communism when it says, And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. So, does the Bible teach communism or not?
Click here to read the full article!
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

11 Oct 21
Who Was Karl Marx?

James Simpson, author of Who Was Karl Marx? The Men, the Motives, and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left, was my guest on Live with Pastor Al this past Friday afternoon. His book is a well-documented look at the history and goals of communist revolutionaries, activists, and organizations from Marx to Biden. It is not all doom and gloom though. He also presents a comprehensive plan to save America.
James Simpson is an economist, investigative journalist, businessman, and author. His columns have been published in American Thinker, Breitbart, Daily Caller, The Federalist, Washington Times and elsewhere.
You can listen to the program at: https://live.mapleknoll.us/15oct21.mp3
You can find out more about Jim Simpson and how to obtain his book (and I think you should!) at http://crisisnow.net/
.11 Oct 21
Support for House Bill 227, Regards concealed weapons and concealed carry without license.
Constitutional Carry is already law in 21 states, including Ohio's neighboring states of West Virginia and Kentucky. HB 227 would make Ohio the 22nd state to support Constitutional Carry.
The Ohio House Government Oversight Committee is meeting on Thursday, October 14, at 10:00 AM for hearings on HB 277. Please contact members of the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee and let them know that you support HB 227 and want them to pass this important bill. You can find out more about this bill and other similar bills at: https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/firearms-bills-134th-general-assembly.
You can read the testimony that I submitted to the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee in support of HB 277 at: https://live.mapleknoll.us/HB227testimony.pdf
1 Oct 21
New Article Published

Just posted a new article, Baptists: Ancient or Recent, online.
Prior to the late 1800's nearly all Baptist historians attested to the antiquity of the Baptists. Since then, however, the claim that Baptists originated around 1610-1611 and did not introduce immersion until 1641 began to gain traction among Baptists and non-Baptists. So, which is correct? Are Baptists of ancient or recent origin and does it matter?
Click here to read the full article!
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

14 Sep 21
No Vax Mandate Job Board
Last Sunday night I mentioned and online job board for employers who do not require vaccines. It is the No Vax Mandate Job Board You can find it at:

No Vax Mandate Job Board
6 Sep 21
New Word Search Available
Our new word search, based on the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, is now available online at http://bbc.mapleknoll.us/WordSearch-8.pdf

6 Sep 21
New Article Published

Just posted a new article, Praying For Ungodly Leaders, online.
Recently, I was asked a question about praying for ungodly leaders. In this article I discuss not only what the Bible says about praying for our leaders, godly or ungodly, but what their responsibilities are and the limitations of their authority over us.
Click here to read the full article!
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

24 Aug 21
Support Ohio HB 248, the Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act

Hearings for HB 248, the Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, will be held on Tuesday, August 24, in the Ohio House Health Committee. Pray for the passage of HB 248. And, if you live in Ohio, contact the members of the House Health Committee and urge them to vote YES on HB 248!
I sent the message below to each member of the Ohio House Health Committee using their easy online message form. To do so, go to https://ohiohouse.gov/committees/health and click on the committee member you desire to send a message to. When their page comes up, click on the contact button and then fill out the form (helps to write out you comments before hand and then copy and past as needed).
I am writing to you because you are a member of the Ohio House Health Committee. HB 248, the Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, is undergoing hearings in the Ohio House Health Committee.
Vaccine mandates are posing a very real and present danger to Ohio's healthcare workers and volunteers. As a pastor I have volunteered for over 30 years in long term care facilities and for 15 years with hospice services. My wife has served as a Registered Nurse for over 30 years, mostly involved in long term care and hospice. People in our church, as well as many other family members and friends, have worked and volunteered in healthcare for many years.
Now, along with many other Ohioans, we are facing the loss of employment and volunteer opportunities due to vaccine mandates. This not only adversely affects those of us who due to medical, religious, or reasons of conscience, cannot or will not take the vaccine, it also adversely affects those who benefit from our employment and volunteerism.
HB 248, the Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, is vital to protect Ohio's healthcare workers and volunteers by protecting our rights and our privacy, as well as protecting us from discrimination, injustice, and retribution in our employment and volunteer opportunities due to our vaccine status.
Consequently, I am writing to urge you, as a member of the Ohio House Health Committee, to help protect healthcare workers and healthcare in Ohio, as well as all other workers and industries in Ohio, by voting YES on HB 248, the Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act.
You can also listen to our Friday, August 13, program with Representative Jennifer Gross, the author and sponsor of HB 248. It is available at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/13aug21.mp3
18 Aug 21
Celebrating 15 Years on the Radio!

New Article Published

Just posted a new article, The New Jerusalem: Future Home of the Believers, online.
Where will Believers spend eternity? Will we be in heaven? On earth? Somewhere else? What does the Bible say? Read my new article on the future home of the Believers.
Click here to read the full article!
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

26 Jul 21
Summit County Fair!

We will be out at the Summit County Fair in Tallmadge, Ohio, this week. Our church, the Richfield Bible Baptist Church, will have a booth at the fair again this year. We are located in the strip of commercial booths just inside the main gate. I will personally be there most every day, all day, with the exception of Friday evening and Sunday. Please come out to the fair and stop by our booth to say hello.
Because of the fair, Pastor John Lutz, of the NorthCoast Baptist Church in Lakewood, will be in the studio Friday. I will be calling in from the Summit County Fair. I hope you will be able to join us!
9 Jul 21
Special Program: The Alien Gospel

Ian Juby joined me on the radio again today. We discussed the recently released intelligence report, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UFOs) and the message aliens bring. We looked at from the standpoint of, is it Biblical or not?
You can listen to the program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/9jul21.mp3.
1 Jul 21

New Article Published

Just posted a new article, Are We Alone?, online.
The recent interest and disclosures about UFO's have brought up an old question again. The question is, "Are we alone in the Universe?" After all, the universe is a vast place with hundreds of billions of galaxies, each containing perhaps hundreds of billions of stars, many with multiple planets circling them. After all, out of the trillions and trillions of possible planets out there, surely, we are not the only living things that God created.
Or are we?
Latest Church Newsletter Available
Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

20 Jun 21

12 Jun 21
Special Program: UFO's & the Bible
Ian Juby joined me on Friday, June 11, to discuss UFO phenomena and the Bible.
Listen to the program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/11jun21.mp3
Check out Ian Juby's many videos on UFO's, Creationism, and more on YouTube at: youtube.com/user/wazooloo
Or learn more at Ian's website: ianjuby.org/
9 Jun 21
Special Program
UFO's have been in the news a lot lately. Join us on our Friday program as special guest Ian Juby and I discuss UFO phenomena and the Bible.
Check out Ian Juby's many videos on UFO's, Creationism, and more on YouTube at: youtube.com/user/wazooloo
Or learn more at Ian's website: ianjuby.org/
1 Jun 21

New Article Published
Just posted a new article, What Is Truth?, online.
...Unfortunately, truth is under attack today. Truth is being redefined as a construct of not just society but of various minority and identity groups. No longer fixed to actual facts and reality, truth is now considered fluid, subjective, and an expression of group identity, sensitivities, and opinions...
Click here to read the full article!Also, our latest church newsletter is now online. We were getting backed up on the publication dates so this one is labeled as our May-June newsletter. Hopefully, the July one will be done and in people's hands before July gets here. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image below.

23 May 21

There is a move afoot in Ohio to remove the teaching of America's founding documents.
Currently, Ohio law mandates teaching 1/2 credit hour of American History and 1/2 credit hour of American Government with mandatory testing. Included in this instruction schools are required to cover The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, The Northwest Ordinance, The Ohio Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and the Ant-Federalist Papers. Ohio House Bill 73 would remove the mandatory testing. The bill itself does not remove the teaching, but by removing the testing requirement, it will deemphasize the teaching of America's founding documents.
Consequently, teachers pressed for time will lessen the time they spend on these documents in favor of more pressing matters. Leftist teacher's unions understand this. They want to take the time devoted to the great ideas encapsulated in America's founding documents and replace it with the socialist/Marxist indoctrination found in the 1619 Project, Critical Race Theory, and other leftist, "woke" curriculum. Removing the testing mandate, via HB 73, is just a stepping stone to removing the teaching of America's founding documents and replacing them with revisionist, socialist propaganda. Besides, it is hard to teach students that the Revolutionary War was fought to perpetuate slavery in America when they find out that the same people who fought in the War insisted that the Northwest Ordinance, which was written at the same time as the U.S. Constitution, would ban slavery in the Northwest Territories.
Now is the time for Ohioans to stand up against the left and contact your State Representative and tell him or her that you oppose Ohio House Bill 73. On Tuesday, May 18, I joined with a number of other concerned citizens to speak against HB 73 at the Ohio Primary and Secondary Education Committee hearing. During the hearing, a number of representatives remarked that they were getting numerous phone calls about HB 73. Several actually complained about it. So, don't give up, you are being heard!
The Ohio Channel records all public hearings at the Statehouse in Columbus. The attached link provides the video from the May 18 House Primary and Secondary Education Committee. You can find my testimony in opposition to HB73 and the Q&A that followed at 27:34 mark. My portion runs from 27:34 to 1:01:07: https://www.ohiochannel.org/collections/ohio-house-primary-and-secondary-education-committee?fbclid=IwAR0Eb9_Bc9XeQ7YggP-YjuH6qoByQCWSXCj0PS9_4HQX3Vt0vIV15i4b3iU
You can read my testimony at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/OpponentTestimonyonHouseBill73.pdf
Find your representative at: https://ohiohouse.gov/
Follow HB 73 at: https://ohiohouse.gov/legislation/134/hb73
30 Apr 21

New Article Published
Just posted a new article, As In the Days of Noah, online.
...The creation of human chimeras and genetic manipulation got me thinking about a prophecy made by Jesus in Luke 17:26-27:
"And as it was in the days of Noe [Noah], so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all."
You can read the article by clicking http://pg.mapleknoll.us/AsInDaysNoah.html or on the image above.

Also, our April church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image above.
2 Apr 21

Our March church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image above.
Word Search #7, Easter In the Bible, is now available online!
30 Mar 21

New Article Published
Just posted a new article, Is Easter a Mistake?, online.
Most English Bibles use the word Passover in Acts 12:4 instead of Easter, like the King James Bible does. Did the King James translators make a mistake or did they know what they were doing?
You can read the article by clicking http://pg.mapleknoll.us/IsEasterAMistake.html or on the image above.
25 Feb 21

Our February church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image above.
20 Feb 21

Coming Together In a COVID Crisis
My wife, Kim, and I both came down with COVID on January 15. Fortunately, Kim never got very sick and only needed Tylenol for a few days. I, on the other hand, wound up in the hospital for 5 days with COVID caused pneumonia.
Because of COVID, Sunday, January 17, was the first time that I was not able to actually be present in the studio since starting the program over 14 years ago. I was able to call in but as I got sicker I was no longer able to do even that. Thankfully, Pastor John Lutz, of North Coast Baptist Church, in Lakewood, Ohio, was able to fill in for me while I was under the weather.
Being a small church, with no staff other than myself, it was quite a challenge to keep everything running smoothly there as well while my wife and I were out. However, people in the church rose to the challenge, leading the services and singing, preaching and teaching, ensuring that coffee and refreshments were ready, and running Google Meet so that I could participate in the Friday night Bible study and preach during Sunday services when able.
Finally, after about 3 weeks, I was able to go out in public once more and resume my duties. I never expected to be out so long, but, then again, I never expected to wind up in the hospital either. Consequently, I am very thankful for everyone that helped out, filled in, and, most especially, prayed for me and my wife. And thank God for answered prayers, strength, and healing.

New Article Published
Just posted a new article, Why?, online.
The article grew out of a radio program that I did on February 5th, filling in for Pastor Lutz. In it, I look at the why God may have removed President Trump and allowed Joe Biden to become the 46th President of the United States
You can read the article by clicking http://pg.mapleknoll.us/Why.html or on the image above.
18 Jan 21

My latest article, Our First Parents is now available online.
In it, I look at some of the amazing findings in the study of genetics that verify the Bible's assertion that Adam and Eve are the original parents of all human beings.
You can read the article by clicking on the image above.
17 Jan 21

Our January church newsletter is now online. You can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image above.
1 Jan 21

Special Christmas Programs:
Dec 11: Pastor Al asks, Who were the Shepherds?
Dec 18: Pastor Al examines The Christmas Star
Dec 20: Pastor Al reads The Birth of Christ According to the Scriptures.
Dec 25: Pastor Al & Pastor Lutz discuss The Birth of Christ (Part 1) & The Birth of Christ (Part 2)
8 Dec 20
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at the Richfield Bible Baptist Church!

D-Day Prayer Project Update

Christ Long, President of the Ohio Christian Alliance, joined me on the radio on Friday afternoon, November 4. We discussed the The D-Day Prayer Project upgrade to the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C., and some exciting news regarding its funding. The Lilly Endowment, Inc., recently provided a $2 million grant to make this project a reality.
Find out more about this important historical project and what you can do to help, visit their website at: The D-Day Prayer Project.
You can listen to the programs at: 4 Dec 20
2 Dec 20

The Great Reset, Coronavirus, & Globalism
Gary Kah, of Hope for the World, joined me again to talk about the Great Reset, coronavirus, and globalism.
The takeaway from the program is that the global elite's plans for a one world government are moving faster than we have ever seen before. Central to their plans is the Great Reset, which aims to use the corona scamdemic to eliminate capitalism and bring about a world government and aworld economy based on "benevolant" socialism. Oh, and they want to throw in a world religion just to help tie it all together.
You can listen to our programs with Gary Kah at:
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)
1 Dec 20
Catching Up...
I've been a bit behind updating and maintaining this website, and others, of late. Consequently, I spent a bit of time yesterday and today updating and maintaining.
In addition to this website, I maintain several others:
In addition, during my copious free time while preparing for Thanksgiving, I penned a parody of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer entitled, Rona the Chinese Virus
Rona the Chinese Virus
You know Measles and Smallpox, Dengue and Haunta,
Rhino and Rota, Rabies and Influenza,
But do you recall?
The most famous virus of all?
Rona the Chinese Virus,
Had a very deadly fame,
And if you ever caught it,
You would even fear its claims.
All of the other COVIDs,
Sickness causing SARS and MERS,
They never matched Corona;
Failed to conjure up its fears
Then one vital ‘lection year,
Fauci came to say,
Rona since your name brings fright,
Won’t you make my shutdown tight?
Then all the leftists loved him
As they shouted out with glee,
Rona the Chinese virus,
You'll go down in history.
11 Nov 20

Post Election Day Specials
Pastor John Lutz and I combined our radio programs again on the Friday after Election Day for a post-election analysis, discussion, and speculation.
Pastor Lutz pastors the North Coast Baptist Church in Lakewood, Ohio. He host the radio program, For the Cause of Christ, which airs each Friday at 1:00pm on AM 1220 WHKW.
The first part of our Post-Election Special can be heard at: Pre-Election Special Part 1
The second part of our Post-Election Special can be heard at: Pre-Election Special Part 2
31 Oct 20

Voting for a Party vs. a Candidate
Can't decide who to vote for in the 2020 presidential election? Don't like either of the candidates running? Then consider voting for the party instead.
Here's why. When we elect a president, we do not merely elect a candidate, we elect a party. And, along with the party we elect the party platform. What that means is that when we elect a president we are electing a president that stands upon a particular party platform and promises to appoint cabinet members, office holders, federal judges, and Supreme Court justices who stand upon the same platform.
So, how do you determine which party to vote for? My suggestion is to compare the party platforms with each other and evaluate them in light of your Biblical values. To do so, find the party platforms online, scroll through the contents, and then compare the parts that deal with your concerns as a Christian.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 13:1,
"This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."
Consequently, let's take a look at three issues:
- Faith, religious freedom, and religious liberty
- Abortion and the sanctity of life
- LGBTQ issues and traditional marriage
Both the Democrat and the Republican party platforms address these three issues so you need to read both party's platform statements and decide which best reflects your Biblical beliefs and concerns.
Click here to read the full article: Voting for a Party vs. a Candidate
31 Oct 20
Pre-Election Special
Pastor John Lutz and I combined our radio programs today to discuss the elections. We discussed the November 3 election, the issues surrounding it, and the candidates and the sad spectacle of the Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden. I joined Pastor Lutz at 1:00pm on his program, For the Cause of Christ, and he joined me at 1:30pm on Live with Pastor Al.
The first part of our Pre-Election Special can be heard at: Pre-Election Special Part 1
The second part of our Pre-Election Special can be heard at: Pre-Election Special Part 2
30 Oct 20

28 Aug 20
BLM's Disturbing Occultic Connection
In a recent article, “Hail Satan”: After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed, published August 28 in The New American, Alex Newman reveals the connection between Black Lives Matter and witchcraft.
Newman quotes BLM Los Angeles founder and California State University Professor of “African Studies” Melina Abdulla who said, “Maybe I’m sharing too much, but we’ve become very intimate with the spirits that we call on regularly, right...Like, each of them seems to have a different presence and personality, you know. I laugh a lot with Wakisha [a spirit Abdulla communes with], you know. And I didn’t meet her in her body, right, I met her through this work.”
BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors is also quoted. She describes the "say his name” mantra having deep spiritual significance, “When we say the names, right, so we speak their names, we say her name, say their names, we do that all the time that, you kind of invoke that spirit, and then those spirits actually become present with you...”.
Also included is a link to Abraham Hamilton III's episode of Hamilton's Corner where Hamilton plays audio clips of these BLM leaders and discusses the African Ifa religion and its veneration of the dead:
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
(Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
I spoke on this subject while filling in for Pastor John Lutz on For the Cause of Christ.
20 Aug 20

18 Aug 20
Social Media Pages
I have been mentioning our new social media pages for several weeks now. Both of these sites are friendly to conservatives and Christians. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to post the links until now.
Here is a list of our other social media pages:
Spur of the Moment Program with Pastor Lutz
A couple of weeks ago, Pastor John Lutz, of North Coast Baptist Church, in Lakewood, Ohio, waved me into the studio during his radio program, For the Cause of Christ.
He was talking about some of the hysteria and government overreach during the coronavirus scare when saw me standing in the control room and waved me in. So, I joined him in the studio and we proceeded to discuss the subject.
Realizing that we had a lot more to discuss, I asked Pastor Lutz to stay over so we could continue the discussion on my program as well. Suffice to say, I don't think either of us are going to be invited to the Governor's Christmas party this year...
You can listen to the programs here:
13 Aug 20
Fun at the Fair!
Despite corona fears & state shutdowns, the Summit County Fair still took place. It was shortened by a day, ticket sales were limited, and face masks or shields were required, but the show went on.

Thankfully, our church, the Richfield Bible Baptist Church, was able to be at the fair again this year. Although the numbers were down, we were still blessed to be able to talk with several people, share the gospel with some, and pass out numbers of gospel tracts We even met some people who listen to Live with Pastor Al on the radio!
18 Jul 20
Word Search #5, Table of Nations #2 - Sons of Ham, is now available online!
17 Jul 20
Word Search #5, Table of Nations #2 - Sons of Ham, is now available online!
16 Jul 20
The Bruce Musselman Memorial Service at Cleveland Baptist Church is now available online at:
20 Jun 20

10 Jun 20
Why are They Rioting?

There are several reasons for the protests springing up around the country. There are those who are protesting actual and perceived injustices. There are those caught up in the moment with no clear idea or understanding of what they are doing. There are those taking advantage of the situation to loot and vandalize,. And then there are those who are using the protests as a means to incite riots in order to further their ulterior goals.
The 10 Points of Action shown above are the goals of those fomenting violence in our country. These are the goals of domestic terrorists. True patriotic Americans will not tolerate terrorists trying to destroy our nation.
These riots are a coordinated attack on the very foundations of our country. The country was already on edge from the coronavirus lock-downs and it only needed a spark to push some people over the edge into violent riots. Now, Antifa is using the tragic and horrific death of George Floyd to stir up mobs and promote anarchy. They are trained, well funded, and coordinating efforts both locally and nationally. They are the foot-soldiers and shock troops of the Left whose goal is the downfall of the United States and the institution of of a global government.
If ever there was a time to pray for our country, now is that time.
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
(Ephesians 6:10-12)
Listen as Pastor Al analyzes the 10 Points of Action: http://live.mapleknoll.us/22may20.mp3
30 May 20
Special Friday, May 29, Radio Program Now Available Online

Our special radio tribute to Bruce Musselman is now available online at:
Pastor Andrew Rusnacko, Pastor John Lutz, Bro. Garry Meeks, and myself spent time remembering Bruce Musselman and his lifetime of serving Jesus Christ. We were joined by former pastors Gene Piazza, Alan C. Jenkins, and Mark Gostlin, Pastor Ernie Sanders, and Kevin Isaacs, General Manager of Salem Media Group - Cleveland.
A special thanks goes out to Garry Meeks for his work on the open and close of our special program and for assembling the vintage audio clips of Bruce Musselman and to Carol Rusnacko for providing clips of Bruce Musselman singing. We also want to thank our engineer and producer Eric Wolf for going above and beyond his regular duties to help pull everything together and keep us on schedule during the program.
28 May 20
Special Program: Friday, May 29

Please note: This special program will preempt our regular Friday program on May 29.
Cards and Letters may be sent to:
Bible Baptist Temple
1565 Chardon Road
Euclid, Ohio 44117
(Titus 1:9)
Also, an impromptu radio tribute was conducted Friday, May 15, at 1:30 p.m. on the radio broadcast of North Coast Baptist Church, For the Cause of Christ with Pastor John Lutz and Pastor Al Davis.
22 May 20
Special Guest Gary Kah
Gary Kah joined me on the program to talk about the coronavirus pandemic and the push for a global government and a global digital monetary system.
According to Gary Kah, a 12-18 month plan to introduce a global government began in January and the digital currency is ready to go at any time.
You can listen to the program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/15may20.mp3.

8 May 20

Obstacles to the New World Order
Many people are concerned about the current coronavirus lock down and its possible prophetic implications. Pastor Davis addressed these concerns in a message Sunday morning, May 3, from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7.
In this message, Pastor Davis discusses the Mystery of Iniquity that is already working in the world and how God is actively hindering it but that foreshadows of the Tribulation period are occurring more and more frequently and intensely. He also addresses how God has used both the election of Donald Trump rather than Hillary Clinton and the coronavirus pandemic to both hinder the globalist plans and alert God's people that His return is near.
The YouTube link below starts at the beginning of the message: https://youtu.be/FF_F6uYT510?t=1440.
New Bible Word Search: Table of Nations #1 - Sons of Japheth

21 Apr 20
Did We Do the Right Thing?
"The professor believes this evidence - actual evidence and data, not the projections of some model - indicate that there is no need for either quarantines or economic closures."*
Did we do the right thing?
Now that the coronavirus pandemic is ebbing and states are planning to reopen for business, it is time to review our actions in order to better plan for future epidemics and pandemics. We shut our country down at huge economic and human costs to prevent what, at the time, seemed like far worse costs.
Whether or not we did the right thing will be studied and debated for years to come. However, to bury our heads in the sand and refuse to consider how the actual data we now have compares to the models we relied on is to refuse to learn. People, even the experts, make mistakes, come to the wrong conclusions, and take the wrong actions all the time. The key to effective crisis management is a willingness to evaluate what is being done and then to make corrections and changes when better information comes along. (I think most people would agree that actual data is more reliable than theoretical models!)
Consequently, calling for our leaders and decision makers to reevaluate their response to the coronavirus pandemic based on actual studies of the progression of the virus is not being unreasonable or ill-informed. It is, instead, based on being informed, realistic, and concerned for the total human and economic costs incurred by the current shutdown. After all, the increased deaths due to fear, unemployment, abuse, having needed health care put on hold, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. caused by the shutdown are just as tragic as those caused by COVID-19. Especially when they begin to exceed those caused by COVID-19.
Pray for our leaders and decision makers. They need it. And pray for all the rest of us. We need it.
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
--Winston Churchill
*You can read the article at: Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern.
A Troubling development
A troubling development is the move to shame, marginalize, and even vilify churches who chose to continue meeting regardless of what the government says.
I don't want to be the pastor whose church meets across the street from the ocean (like our church in American Samoa did) who refuses to cancel services during a hurricane when a 20-30 foot storm surge is coming. Nor do I want to be the pastor who cancels church services without question just because he is told to. There are many times and places, from the first century to the present, where going to church could cost you your life, whether by sword or disease, bullet or microbe, and yet God's people still chose to meet. (Full disclosure: our church is still holding in person services.)
Suspending meetings for a time should be a prayerful decision of the pastor and members of churches, not the heavy handed edict of power hungry government officials. While defending the First Amendment is an important reason for defying government orders, the greater reason, for many pastors and churches, is obedience to God's Word:
"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:23-25)
This is why churches down through the ages have continued to meet despite the governmental threats of fines, imprisonment, and martyrdom. This is why churches have met during dangerous times where disease, civil unrest, and religious strife threatened their very existence.
Yes, there are from time to time stubborn, stiff necked pastors motivated by personal animosity and grandiosity who deliberately and flagrantly rail against anything that has to do with the government. But then again, there are government officials who are motivated by personal animosity and grandiosity who deliberately and flagrantly rail against God's people.
First Amendment or not, many of us agree with Peter and the other apostles who said, "...We ought to obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)
9 Apr 20
Easter or Passover?

Did the King James translators make a mistake or mistranslation in Acts 12:4 when they used the word Easter instead of Passover?
And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
(Acts 12:4)
Scott Jones, in his article Easter or Passover?, makes the case that the King James translators were absolutely correct in using the word Easter in Acts 12:4 rather than Passover. In doing so, he corrects the mistaken idea that it Easter is a pagan word based on Astarte or Ashtoreth, proving that it is reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Significantly, Acts 12:4 in the Authorised Version proclaims the Lord's resurrection with holy boldness - (and holy boldness is a peculiar quality of the Authorised Version, a quality which sets the Authorised Version apart - whoever has ears to hear, let him hear) - yea, and the Authorised Version's translation in Acts 12:4, both in its theology and its etymology, is founded upon a rock of accuracy that cannot be moved, as we will shortly see. Yea, for when the rain descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon it - as they have for near four hundred years now - this translation shall nevertheless stand, it shall never fall, for this translation is verily founded upon a rock, and God himself has borne infallible witness that it is so..."
The other common myth which the critics of the Authorised Version promote is the naked assertion that Easter is somehow derived from a pagan festival related to Astarte, the goddess of fertility. Once again, this is merely a demonstration of the malady that plagues this unlearned age, as there is not a SHRED of evidence that a pagan festival ever preceded or replaced the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a celebration which goes back to the very Apostles themselves...
In contrast to the bankrupt and literally absurd allegations that swarm around modern Christendom like locusts, here are the facts - the English word Easter is derived from Saxon and Germanic roots. This was ably noted by many scholars in the past. For example, examine C. F. Cruse's absolutely accurate declaration in 1850 AD regarding the etymology of our English word Easter-- Our word Easter is of Saxon origin and of precisely the same import with its German cognate OSTERN. The latter is derived from the old Teutonic form of auferstehen / auferstehung, that is - RESURRECTION...
In summary, the English word Easter means - and has always meant - RESURRECTION - specifically, the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST...
You can read the article at: http://textus-receptus.com/wiki/Article:_Easter_or_Passover_by_Scott_Jones.
3 Apr 20
Did the Roman Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?

I had the opportunity to fill in for Bruce Musselman on his radio program, Where Is God's Word?, this past Thursday. I discussed the fundamental truth that the Bible is the Word of God and how we the New Testament.
Where Is God's Word? air each Thursday afternoon at 2:00 PM on AM 1220 WHKW.
You can listen to the program at: http://whereisgodsword.mapleknoll.us/26mar20.mp3.

Chinese Coronavirus Update with Pastor John Lutz and James & Rebecca Miletti
Pastor John Lutz and I combined our radio programs on Friday, March 2 to talk about how churches are being affected by the Chinese coronavirus situation.
You can listen to the programs at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/27mar20ftcoc.mp3 [Part 1] and http://live.mapleknoll.us/27mar20.mp3 [Part 2].
21 Mar 20

Chinese Coronavirus Update with Jim Simpson
Jim Simpson joined us on Friday, March 20 to talk about the Chinese coronavirus situation. Jim Simpson is also running in Maryland the for U.S. representatives We need men like him in the U.S. Congree.
You can listen to the program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/20mar20.mp3.
14 Mar 20
Update to Our List of Guests
Laverne Gore joined us on Friday, March 13. Laverne is running in the Republican primary to be the candidate for U.S. representative for Ohio House District 11.
You can listen to the program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/28feb20.mp3.
12 Mar 20

We have been featuring a lot of guests on our Friday afternoon program lately! Past guests are:
- February 28 Jonah Schulz joined us. Jonah is running in the Republican primary to be the candidate for U.S. representative for Ohio House District 11. You can listen to the interview with Jonah Schulz at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/28feb20.mp3.
- March 6 we had author Gary H. Kahwith us. Garyis the author of two books, En Route to Global Occupation and The New World Religion and leads a ministry, Hope for the World, to inform and motivate Christians and reach non-Christians with gospel while exposing the New World Order and its plans. You can listen to the program at: http://live.mapleknoll.us/6mar20.mp3.
Coming guests include:
- March 13 Laverne Gore will be our guest. Laverne is running in the Republican primary to be the candidate for U.S. representative for Ohio House District 11.
- March 20 Jim Simpson joins us again. Jim is an economist, author and researcher who is now running for US Congress in Maryland
- March 27 we will welcome James Miletti back to the program. James has filled in as guest host several times over the years but will be joining us to talk about how the Lord brought him from being a nightclub owner to a preacher of the gospel.
- April 3 will see Kaleb Spicer, Ohio Young American's for Liberty Firearm Events Coordinator, and member of Grace Baptist Church in Sidney, Ohio, join us. Kaleb will be talking about being a Christian and being involved in conservative groups.
4 Mar 20

International Pi Day is March 14 (3.14). We started celebrating it several years ago at our church when somebody brought in a pie and said, "Today's Pi Day! I brought a pie!" Since then, it has evolved into our annual Pi(e) Day fellowship featuring sloppy joes, salad, pie, and a great opportunity for fellowship.
Join us Sunday, March 22, following our morning service, at 12:30 PM at the Richfield Bible Baptist Church. We meet at the richfield Holiday Inn Express, 5171 Brecksville Road, Richfield, Ohio.
3 Mar 20
New Bible Word Search: The Line of Noah

1 Feb 20
Understanding the Scourge of Human Trafficking
Kimberly Diebert, Executive Director of the Hue Jackson Foundation, joined me on the radio this past Friday to talk about human trafficking.
Kimberly pointed out that human trafficking is a widespread problem and that Ohio is number 4 in the nation for reported cases. We also talked about what human trafficking is, who is affected by it, who perpetrates it, and what we can do to fight it.
You can hear the entire program at: Human Trafficking Special
Please visit the Hue Jackson Foundation, for more information and resources on this subject.